Most rental property owners are aware of the term ‘negative gearing’ but few understand what this means and how it effects their tax. We are experienced in dealing with rental properties and helping you understand what you can and can’t claim and how this effects your tax position. If you'd like to discuss your proposed or recent property investment, just call the office or book an appointment online.
Depreciation on a rental property is often a large deduction which increases the tax benefit of a property. Click here to use our complimentary Tax Deduction Calculator to estimate what deprecation deduction to expect on your property
Acquiring your Rental Property
The date you enter into the contract is your date of purchase for capital gains tax purposes, not the settlement date. The costs of acquiring your rental property are the cost base for your property and will be used to calculate any future capital loss or gain when you sell your property. These costs include:
Pay as you go instalments and withholding
If your property is negatively geared and the rental expenses you claim in your income tax return would result in a tax refund, you can reduce your rate of PAYG withholding to better match your year-end tax liability. If you believe your circumstances warrant a reduction to your rate or amount of withholding, you can apply to the ATO for a variation.
If your rental property is an NRAS approved property and eligible for the NRAS incentive, you will be able to vary your pay as you go instalments or withholding to account for this tax offset in the second year the property is rented.
Rental Income
Rental and other rental-related income is the full amount of rent and associated receipts that you receive, or become entitled to, when you rent out your property regardless of whether it is paid to you or your agent.
This income will be claimed on your tax return and offset by any rental expenses. There are possibly other rental related income amounts that may also need to be claimed, including:
Note: GST doesn't apply to rent from residential premises. If you lease residential accommodation, you are not liable for GST on the rent you charge.
Claimable Rental Expenses
Expenses that are immediately deducted
Generally you can claim an immediate deduction for expenses related to the management and maintenance of the property, including interest on loans. You can claim a deduction for these expenses only if you actually incur them and they are not paid by the tenant.
There are however some expenses that cannot be immediately deducted and must be claimed over a number of years. These include the decline in value of carpet, furniture and appliances, and certain construction expenditure.
Expenses for which you may be entitled to an immediate deduction in the income year you incur the expense include:
NOTE: GST doesn't apply to residential rental properties, so GST credits on purchases for your investment property or rental expenses are not claimable.
Expenses deductible over a number of income years
There are three types of expenses you may incur for your rental property that may be claimed over a number of income years:
Negative gearing
If your property is negatively geared, meaning you purchased your property with the assistance of borrowed funds and the net rental income, after deducting other expenses, is less than the interest on the borrowings, the overall tax result will be a net rental loss. You are able to claim the full amount of rental expenses against your other income, such as salary and wages. Where the other income is not sufficient to absorb the loss it is carried forward to the next tax year.
NOTE: If the property is rented to a related party, the rent income must be at a market rates in order for the rental loss to be deductible. Please seek advice from a registered tax agent.
This guide is intended for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as advice unless subsequently confirmed by fax or letter signed by a partner of the firm.
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